California Here I Come

I'm off to California tomorrow. I'm headed out to spend a little time with Scott, Ashley and baby Devin. I've been looking forward to this trip for many reasons:

1. I love babies and from his pics baby Devin is absolutely the cutest baby born since 2004, though there have been some strong contenders in Jake, Livvy, Cooper and Chase.

2. I miss Scott and Ash.

3. I love California. Love it. If I wouldn't have to sell a kidney to buy a house, I'd move there. (You could come with me, sweet Chad. I'm still up in the air about the children.)

All kidding aside, I am really excited to see that baby. Or perhaps, I should say, I was really excited to see the baby.

My mom came into town today to take care of everyone while I'm gone. She happened to mention that Scott and Ashley have an In 'N Out burger about 5 mins from their house. Perhaps my epic sweeping love for In N Out burgers hasn't found its way into this blog. If not then let me lay it out there for you.

I love In N Out. It is the only hamburger I eat. I plan road trips around the freeway accessibility of In N Out. I love them more than California. More than the beach. And dare I say it...more than babies?!?!

Let's examine the evidence. Here is a pic with me and a baby (Brynn actually).
I look happy right. Pretty darn good for having a two day old baby, I'd say. That was a good haircut.

Here is me with an In N Out burger.
Sure I look kind of bad in this pic. 6 hours in the car. Admittedly not as good of a haircut, but still, hard to argue with the face of happiness.

I fear this is an arguement with no winner. I mean you can't pick a favorite amoung your children. It isn't right to try and choose between my love for babies and the best cheesburgers on Earth. :) Either way, should be a good weekend.


Yay for you! Have a great one!

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