Giving Thanks. Primary.

I've been thinking about callings lately. Funny how callings come at just the right time in your life. Time when you need to learn. Time when you need someone to slap you on the back of the head and say "how is it that you don't know this yet?"

4 years ago, I was called to serve in the Primary. It came at a difficult time in my life. At time when I wasn't enjoying my kids so much. I wasn't super enthused about the calling, but I will walk across a bed of hot coals if the Lord tells me too, so I accepted.

Here is the amazing thing about Primary - it 100% renewed my love and enthusiasm for my kids. I needed perspective. I needed something to pull me out of the mire and show me why I mattered to my kids. Through primary, I got it.

It's hard to explain the transformation. I felt completely enveloped in the sweet love of those glorious primary children. Not every week, not every moment, there was a lot of wiggling and talking and racket (and you know my total aversion to racket). But there were these great moments of immense spirit. And in those moments I found a clarity about being a mom, loving my girls, enjoying the journey with them.

Primary taught me that I'm actually pretty creative. That I can explain things on a kid level. It reminded me of how important it is to teach simple gospel principles. It reminded me that I have a testimony of those simple principles. It reminded me that I love kids and for some inexplicable reason, they love me.

I walked into Primary and its like the Lord put his arms around me and showed me my darling children in a whole new light. Over the weeks and months it was like He was pointing to my girls and saying "see how precious they are? You matter. You are making a difference. They need you here."

4 years later, my role has changed a little, but my callings in Primary have been some of my best callings I've had. I'm grateful for Primary.

Want to learn more? Click here to read about Primary in the LDS church.


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