A 4:00 AM Raid

Let me give you a hypothetical situation. Let's say you are 7 years old or 4 years old. (It is unclear who may have started this hypotheical situation). You wake up about 4 o'clock in the morning. You are lonely, so you decide to wake your sister up too. You are both bored and a little hungry, so you decide that it is time to raid the pantry. You scale the shelves to reach a box of Fruit by the Foot, which was previously put away on the top shelf.

Together you and your hypotheical sister eat the entire box of Fruit by the Foot before 4:20 AM when your hypotheical mom catches you, flips out and sends you back to bed. This same hypotehtical mom absolutly forbids you from putting your feet on the carpet again until she comes and gets you up. You wisely lay in bed without speaking until 7 AM.

Seriously, sugar party at 4 AM my hypothetical children?!?! You are both lucky to be alive. Hypothetically, speaking, of course.


Julie said…
That is HILARIOUS! I love that the other sister was woken up too!! That is seriously so funny!
Angela said…
That is too funny! I love the way you write, your always hold me captive through the entire story!! Hope all is well for you!

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