Email Rules my Life

It is 11:29 PM and I'm checking my email. Email seriously rules my life. I like the weekends when I only have to check 1 of my 4 email accounts.

When Chad and I were in college and the college admins assigned us each an email address. I remember saying to Chad "What on earth do I need this email thing for?" Now I'm wondering why I don't have a blackberry, so I can check my email in the car.

For many years Chad and I actually shared an email address - gasp. I don't know how we did that. Sort of like a family phone number, we had a family email address. At the time, I think you could sign up for 2 separate email addresses through our internet service provided and I wondered why we would ever need two addresses.

When I sent my first email from that ancient college email address I wondered how you knew if it worked. It just went off in to the ether with no verification of success. A few days later I received a reply and was so relieved it worked! Tonight, I haven't received an email since 3:30 this afternoon and I'm convinced my email must be broken.

Someday the girls are going to read this post and be like "Seriously mom, email?? Did you listen to your 8-track and wear your leg warmers while you sent you email? Now we just nano-blast ourselves anywhere on the globe and deliver our message by hologram."

P.S. Brynn - at three years old you can use the touchpad mouse on my Macbook, including scrolling with your fingers and right clicking. I'll be honest - it freaks me out.


I have my computer on almost always and am on it and constantly checking it throughout the day. And if my computer is tied up rendering or something, I hope onto "Will's" or Jason's. The power goes out and I'm besides myself how to function....Looks like I know where all my "free time" goes. Yikes! However, I must not be as ancient as you as I don't remember it being much of a shock. Hee hee....just kidding. Hope your talks went great!

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