Kind Words

I like manners. I like it when people have manners, use them, speak kindly and properly. I'm determined to raise children who have manners. Ever since the girls were very little I make them say please, and not just please but "the whole thing" as we call it. Address the person you are speaking to, ask for what you need, finish with please. Our conversations usually go something like:

Child: "I need more milk!"
Mother: "Need more milllllkkkk..." (dragging the ending out, a classic indicator something is missing)
C: "please."
M: "Say the whole thing."
C: "Mom, can I have more milk please?"

When they were really little it had like 8 more steps. Who are you asking? What do you need? May I. Repeat, repeat, repeat (sigh)

Tiring you say? Ah, yeah. Try repeating that plus at least 8000 times over the last 8 years. I'm literally sick of hearing myself say it. However, I might be on my way, here's what I heard tonight at dinner.

Grace: "Mom, may I have more milk, please?" (no prompting mind you, all on her own)
Brynn: "Oh Grace! I love your kind words!"



Isn't it so nice when our efforts pay off! I feel like I am constantly re-wording Will's "demands" to which he usually complies, and occasionally will do on his own. Yay! Now if I could just get him to say "sorry".....

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