Reversing Gray Hair

What?? They are working on a cure for gray hair! Hooray! Forget cancer and let's work on something we can conquer. But seriously, science is finding a way to reverse gray hair? Music to my ears.

I'm still working the colors out on my new blog layout, I realize it is kind of hard to see the link. Click on "a cure for gray hair" to read the article.


Get Hooked said…
I cannot begin to tell you how excited I am about this! I use to dye my hair to be cute with all sorts of highlights and colors, now I dye it to cover the gray and I just use one color, my natural color... oops did I just give away my beauty secret?!? Just imagine the money I could save... assuming the "product" is less then a monthly dye job!
Anonymous said…
I am hoping as I age that newer inventions will come out that keep me young. Not so much to prevent aging that I am o.k with...I just want to stay "able" if you will!

Don't have gray hair yet...but I KNOW by the time Carter is out of his twos I will have some!

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