8 - Unbelievable

Sweet Grace,

You turned 8 on June 28. 8! I'm in shock. Where did the time go? When I close my eyes at night, I still dream about you as a baby. You were a darling baby. So much dark hair, big, alert eyes and once you started smiling you never looked back. I was looking through some pictures tonight and hardly a picture exists where your smile isn't wide and bright.

I love you so much. You have a kind heart. You see beauty in the world that I just don't see. When I look at you today, I see such a grown up girl. Beautiful, funny, smart, thoughtful and a true friend. You have so many talents and are interested in so many things. Dad is always calling you a "cool girl" and trust me, that's the ultimate compliment.

I'm blessed to be your mom and yes, sweet girl, you'll always be my baby. Promise.



Anonymous said…
Lisa she is getting so big I can't believe it! Happy Belated Birthday to Miss Grace!

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