
I love fall. Love it. No other time of year makes me feel quite this way. Something about the way the sun feels, the crisp air...ahhhhh. glorious.

I'm feeling very inspired lately.

Inspired to cook. I love coming into a warm kitchen on a cool fall day. I have a pie crust made, ready to be rolled out and a bag of bright green apples. Tonight I plan to make a Welcome to Fall apple pie.

Inspired to read. I'd cleaned up the Leaning Tower of Pisa next to my bed, but it's back. I'm in the middle of three books at the moment, with several others waiting to be opened. Curling up in a comfy chair, by the bright sunny window to sip lemon tea and read a good book. It's the stuff fall dreams are made of.

Inspired to write. I'd laid my big writing project aside for the last few months. I felt busy and tired and plain out of ideas. But its been on my mind constantly for the last few days. Maybe I'll find some time this week to take another crack at it.

Inspired to snuggle. The girls are so cuddly and delightful. The last few days I've found myself stopping to scoop a kid (or two) into my lap for a nice long snuggle.

Inspired to laugh. I'm in the mood to have fun. I don't mind working while I do it, but I need to laugh. Perhaps Chad and I need to do some yard work or clean out the garage. Those are surprisingly fun times with Chad. Talking, working, laughing. This is perfect cleaning out the garage weather.

Yes, fall inspired. I know it won't last. The winter blahs will kick in eventually, but I'm determined to make the most of my inspiration while it's around.

So here's to new recipes, warm kitchens, good books, completed manuscripts, enveloping hugs, happy smiles, giggles, kisses, the smell of fresh pie and a house filled with fall...


Angela said…
That was inspiring Lisa, I also love fall. Thanks for sharing.

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