A Vampire 'Do

Grace is going to be a vampire for Halloween. She's given it a lot of careful thought and has the whole thing planned out. Recently she came home and we had the following vampire inspired interchange.

G: Mom, I have bad news.
M: Oh yeah, what's that?
G: I found out that vampires have black hair, so we are either going to have to dye my hair black or I'm going to need a wig.
M: Well we're not dying your hair black.
G: Ok, wig it is, then.

Wig it is?? What 8 year old talks like that?

Grace you are a hoot. Wig it is, my friend. Wig it is.


Angela said…
Ah I love kids. She is so cute. Glad it will be a wig. Hope all is well for you and your fam. Have a great day.
Julie said…
oooh! She'll be a super cute vampire! I guarantee she heard YOU say that! Isn't it funny how they pick up our little mannerisms too? Love it!

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