ADT - a Monster’s Mortal Enemy

Brynn is going through an I’m scared of everything phase. Lately it’s monsters at bedtime. Every night she cries about monsters, I explain there are no monsters, she still cries. It takes forever to calm her down, all the while me trying to say, there are no monsters, it’s fine, you’re fine, you’re stalling, I know you’re stalling, go to sleep.

So last night having her nightly monster fit, I decide, you think there are monsters, then I’m going with it. Brynn’s working herself into a monster induced frenzy, so I say. “Ok, how about this. I’ll go set the alarm, then the monsters can’t get in the house.”

Huh?? Crying stops as she mulls over my suggestion.

B: So monsters can’t get in when the alarm is on?
L: That’s right. Can’t get in.
B: Are you sure?
L: I’m sure. That’s why we got an alarm.
B: Ok, that’ll work. (I kid you not... ‘ok, that’ll work’ came out of the mouth of a three year old)

So I go out to the kitchen push a few buttons to make the alarm chirp and call out “All set, now go to sleep.”

“Ok,” she replies. And she DOES!! Wahoo!! I’m a criminal mastermind and I’m available for hire!

originally posted July 2, 2008


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