Happy Hearts

Looking at Brynn's gaze of sisterly admiration makes me so happy
August 2007

Every now and then moms get a little heavenly glimmer. A little tiny thumbs up from heaven letting you know you are doing a good job raising kind, sensitive children.

I made a late night decision to take this morning off. So the girls and I played hooky this morning and did some much needed clothes/shoe shopping. We played at the play place in the mall and then had lunch at the food court. We had a lot of fun and having the morning off was totally liberating.

All the fun made Brynn really thirsty and she polished off her lemonade long before her food was gone. We were waiting for her ice to melt, but it just wasn't going fast enough. She wasn't terribly upset, but she was thirsty.

Then I hear Grace say "Mom, pass me Brynn's cup." Grace proceeds to pop the lids off of the cups and pour most of her remaining lemonade into her sister's cup. She passed Brynn's cup back to her and Brynn replied with a huge smile on her face "Oh thank you, Grace!"

"No problem," Grace replied.

"Grace," I said "that was so kind of you. What an awesome sister you are."

She got this great sheepish smile on her face and tried to shrug off the praise, saying "No big deal, mom. I probably couldn't have finished it all anyway."

"Well, still. It was a kind, thoughtful thing to do. I wish you could see how happy my heart feels right now."

Brynn, all a twitter with her typical 4 year old enthusiasm, called out "mom, mom! put your hand right here." (Pointing to her heart, so I laid my hand on her chest.) "Feel it, mom? Feel it? Grace must be a good sister because my heart is happy too."

I love these monkeys. And I love the little moments that remind of the very high probability my kids will actually turn out all right.


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