I'm bitter. Literally.

So the last few weeks, my lips have tasted weird. I know, I know. What?? But when I lick my lips somethings tastes funny. My fingertips too. I taste bitter.

I thought great, either I've got a brain tumor or I'm turning into a bitter old woman. Literally.

At first I thought I was imagining it, but after a couple of weeks I thought, no. I'm seriously bitter. So I did what any red blooded American with Internet access does - I googled it and I prepared myself for the worst. (I'm a bit of a webMD hypochondriac, but that's neither here nor there.)

Anyway guess what? First, I was right. I taste bitter. Know why?

That's right. I'm kind of obsessed with cleaning my keyboard. I spray it everyday, at least once. I've been using a new kind of canned air from 3M. If you look very closely at the bottle you will read the words:

"Contains a bittering agent to help discourage inhalant abuse."

Yep, 3M makes it's air bitter so you won't want to snort it or whatever high-seekers do to canned air. I'm sure this is important. I'm sure if my kids were snorting canned air I would want every discouragement I could get, but really? I can't use it. It's too disgusting. But even though I've stopped using it, the essence lingers on my keyboard, so I still taste weird to myself.

I try to wash my hands and not touch my face, but try that, for real. In the morning I say to myself "self, don't touch your face" and that warning alone has me rubbing my face all day. I'm paralyzed by the more I try not to do something the more I end up doing it. 

So now I'm trapped in my office 10+ hours a day with a dusty keyboard and weird tasting lips.  And I'm bitter. (ha!)


Brammer Family said…
Dadgum hooligans! They're ruining everything with their crazy shenanigans! Kids these days. Hmph!

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