On Office Products.

I made a really huge deadline today, with an hour to spare. Score. I used the extra hour the universe gifted me back to go to Office Max. There is something very Zen about office supplies. Yep, Zen, and I ran out of paperclips today.

So as I walked the Office Max aisles I discovered something...there are entirely too many pen options in the world. If I had my camera I would have taken a picture, but really, do we need 4000 different kinds of pens? My judgment could be skewed because I like really cheap pens. Cheap. Like the kind you get in a hotel room. Those are my favs.

Perusing the great wall o' pens obligated me to buy something, so I bought a box of 12 cheap red pens. There was not a single red pen in my house before today and with as much as I edit, that just seemed wrong. So now I have 12. Once the children find them I'll be lucky to have 1, but for now I'm the proud momma of 12 red pens. The entire box cost $2.24 - which makes each pen worth about 19 cents. Cheap. Perfect. 

Oh and I got 800 paper clips, in two different size, no less. That should hold me for a while.

800 paper clips, 12 red pens and a stress free hour. I'm living the high life.


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