A lot of big stuff happening around here...

AWOL?!?  Hardly. I have actually been working on several posts. But every post has pictures I would like to add.

Those pictures are on my camera.

That camera is safely locked in the van.

That van is safely locked inside the mechanic's shop because I coudn't get there to pick it up on Friday before they closed. "No problem," I told myself, "you can pick it up on Saturday." Then I got home about 7:30 on Friday night and listened to a message from the mechnic reminding me they were closed on Saturdays. Oh and on Monday to. Labor Day and all.

Then I had a mild panic attack about not being able to get my car. I love my car.

Then Chad asked me what my problem was and I said stressful week.

And Chad said understatment.

What made it stressful you ask? Well, this week I had to go to Chicago to solve a leetle client problem. (Note: when you say leetle and not little, then it was actually a massive, collosal client problem. Wicked code I've got going, huh?) Anyway the night before this meeting I said to myself "Self, seriously, what's the worst thing that can happen?"

And I replied "Well self, clients could literally dive over the table and try to strangle me with the power cord from my own laptop."

"That would be bad," I replied to myself, "so let's try not to let that happen."

I'm happy to report that no one threatened me with violence, so the worst did not happen. I think a couple of them might even have been smiling when they left the meeting. Still that was 12 hours of my life I'd not care to repeat.

In other news, Grace wants to get her hair highlighted. Um, no. We had a long talk about NATURAL highlights.

Brynn didn't get hurt, but could of yesterday because she was standing on top of the downstairs table and Grace "accidentally" pulled her off. We had another long talk about what constitutes an accident.

Today (after I worked for 5 hours) we drilled 600+ popsicle sticks to make 90 catapults for 3 hours of Cub-O-Ree fun on Friday. 180 of the aforementioned popsicle sticks had to be glued together and then have a spoon hot glued to them, so they can launch a mini-marshmallow across the Relief Society room. The best I can say about this is, we are done and I still have 2 non-burned fingers on my left hand.

And, finally, this week I started using a sensitive teeth tooth brush and sensitive teeth toothpaste, because my teeth are...you guessed it...sensitive.

Tomorrow I hope to retrieve my van. Apologize to it. Finish my wayward bog post and thereby restore the natural balance of my life. Right after I get off a 6 AM client call.

Deep breath. This too shall pass.


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