I'm scroogy...

Really scroogy. I'm not sure why, but I'm just not in the mood to have Christmas. Not "I'm not ready for Christmas." No, this is I want to cancel Christmas and go to the Bahamas.

Normally I blame my winter mood on Seasonal Affective Disorder. And when I make such comments I'm usually using humor to mask my annual depression, but it has only been winter for about a week and I see sun, so I'm not sure this is a legitimate excuse.

I've been shopping. Listening to Christmas music. Last night we put our tree up and enjoyed a lovely dinner of homemade soup and holiday doughnuts. So I'm doing all the things I'm supposed to be doing, but I'm just not into it. Really I just want to climb into my bed and not get up. Ever.

When they woke up, the girls were delighted to see that it snowed all night. Normally, I too am excited about the first big storm. Today, I couldn't really care less. I put them in their snow clothes and sent them outside. Now I'm wondering how long they will stay out there...probably longer if I lock the back door. That's wrong. I know, but oh so right too. :)

So today, I'm going to work, try not to be so short tempered, finish the laundry and hmmm...I guess I'll go buy some Christmas wrap, as it is the next festive purchase on my list. Then I'll wrap something...maybe that'll conquer this scroogy state of mind.

So, ho, ho, ho and all that.


scotty said…
go drive around listening to metallica with the windows down glaring at unsuspecting teenagers in some random parking...that's what I do anyway :0

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