Haircuts, Packing and Pie...oh my

Getting ready to go on vacation is so much work.

I can pack us to go on a weekend in just under an hour, so that's no big deal. But a big trip is a lot of work.

I admit that I make it harder on myself, but I can't go unless the house is totally clean and the laundry is totally done. What if, heaven forbid, I went on one of these trips and didn't come back? Someone would have to go in and clean out my house. Wouldn't want them thinking I'm a slob. On a less dramatic note, I get really stressed the night before we come home if I know the house isn't clean, so I just take my stress up front and clean it before I go.

I'm not as far as I was hoping to be tonight, but I'm making progress. I'm getting things laid out. Chad has pulled all the suitcases upstairs. I've bought everything that needs to be purchased. I've found all the mates to the lonely flip flops that have been hanging out around the house. We got the house totally picked up (including kids rooms, hello miracle, its been a while, nice to have you back). Today the cleaning lady came, so everything got scrubbed, mopped, dusted, etc.

We are having a family picture while we are on this trip, so this afternoon I got the girls' and my hair done. I've never tried to get all three of us done at once before. Whew, that was an adventure. I don't think I'll be doing that again soon.

Now I'm trying to finish the laundry and clean out the fridge. Can't leave dairy products in the fridge for two weeks or when we get home Chad won't open the fridge. He has a dairy-gone-bad-phobia.

Of course, I saved the best for last. Desipte my best efforts to eat up all the perishables, we had a ton of apples, which we can't take and won't be good when we get home. I guess I could stick them in the fridge, but what fun is that? So tonight I made an apple pie. Oh my people are all a buzz with the prospect of pie for breakfast. Tomorrow I have to wrap up a week's worth of work, have three teleconferences and finish packing, all with the off-track children running around under my feet, but at least I'll be doing it with a slice of pie on my plate.

What's that you say? Don't think we can eat an entire pie in a day? Don't underestimate us. We are very motivated about our homemade baked goods.


Julie said…
Oh Lisa...I agree with you 100%!! I am the exact same way! Nothing can be out of place when we leave! It is so hard to come home from vacation knowing you will have MOUNDS of laundry and more! So it just makes it so nice to know the house will be in order when you get home! I hope you guys have a great time! RELAX, RELAX, RELAX!!

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