Home Sweet Home

We made it. It was a long day. I don't care what anyone says, it doesn't make sense to fly back to Utah through New York City. It is out of the way and looonnngggg.

The girls were strangely excited to go to New York, however. Chad asked Grace what was in New York and she said "The green lady" (Statue of Liberty). We didn't see it, which was disappointing. We did see huge freighters out in the middle of the ocean. There were at least 8 of them. It was amazing. I've never seen anything quite like it. The water and the sky are the same color and seem to swirl together, so you can't tell where one begins and the other ends. It almost looked like the ocean was curving toward the horizon and they seemed to be sailing over the edge. It is hard to describe, I wish I could have taken a picture. I've really never seen anything like it before.

If Brynn starts telling you about the giant, black, flying chicken we saw while at the airport in New York, don't be alarmed. She's not making it up, she's telling a 4 year old version of the story. No matter how many times I tell her the bird was a pigeon, she doesn't believe me. She's convinced it was a chicken, so a chicken it is. Either way it was weird to see a bunch of birds living in the airport. The pigeon dived bombed Grace's head, which scared the daylights out of her, but she got it back by chasing it around a bit.

We managed to make it home, in one piece. No car trouble. The house was great. We got our luggage. We didn't have any problems, but for some reason, I found the whole day really exhausting. I took a three hour nap yesterday, got up for a couple of hours and laid in my bed and then went to bed for the night an hour and a half later. I feel better tonight!

We are glad to be home. Here is every one's top five...

Grace's Top 5
1. picking shells (she used the shells with holes in them to make herself a necklace. Man, I love that kid.)
2. Watching dolphins
3. swimming
4. eating crepes (classic)
5. crabbing

Brynn's Top 5
1. swimming
2. went to the beach
3. saw crabs
4. went to the pool and hot tub
5. saw baby horses and mother horses and father horses and rode the 'Jeepehz'

Chad's Top 5
1. Horse/Jeep Tour
2. Football on the beach
3. Pool with the kids
4. Duck Donuts
5. Crab (all interactions, especially eating)

My Top 5
1. Being at the beach, especially walking the beach at night
2. Listening to the waves
3. Not having to work
4. Taking the kids on adventures (crabbing, crab walks, swimming, kites, horse tour)
5. Riding up that huge sand dune with the horse tour guide, man, that was fun.


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